Get Ready
I stopped by Target to grab some snacks for a movie night my son was headed to and seriously felt like I walked right into a scene from a movie. Shelves of food, medications and cleaning products were low or emptied. Every single aisle I went down I heard someone say the word virus. Carts were piled full and the lines were long. The mood seemed tense - maybe I should be grabbing more things while I’m here? I felt it rise, that tingly and familiar sensation of anxiety.
Once home with what turned out to be more than a few snacks, ( yes I bought a pack of toilet paper and avoided all eye contact while doing so) I had a chat with my Jed. My man who LOVES history, pointed me to a timely quote from a speech that President Roosevelt once shared during the Great Depression (in 1932).
“Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
This is timeless truth. Fear will paralyze us and hold us powerless at a time when we need to advance!
We have a real enemy friends. The spirit of fear. But the Bible tells us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper! We can walk in freedom from fear - regardless of our circumstances.
With a burning desire to do something these words quickly slipped out of my mouth, “Lord what message do you want me to share right now?” Instantly I heard these two words in my heart, “Get ready”. These words did not brew panic, instead a wave of peace rushed over me. A knowing that He’s moving and inviting us as believers to join Him in serving those around us.
I pressed in and waited on the Lord. The very next thing that came to my mind was the song Ghost, by David Crowder. Have you heard it? It’s one of my husband’s favorite songs, he belly sings it across the house - often. It’s quite possible our neighbors know the words by now.
I believe these powerful lyrics are such a timely gift from the Lord for us -
His Ghost is a fire
A holy flame burning wild Burning through the night
Burning with the light of a billion stars
His love is like lightning
Cracking through the sky and
Burning through the rage
Burning through the pain of a billion scars
Get ready
All the stories are true
His Ghost is inside me
A holy fire burning wildly
Burning through the things
That need to be erased to liberate my soul
Get ready
There’s an empty tomb
Get ready
There’s a Ghost in the room
Get ready
Even mountains move
Get ready
All the stories are true
He’ll heal you
He’ll heal you
He’ll heal you
He’ll heal you
We’re ready for Your fire to fall
We’re ready for Your voice to call
We’re ready for Your lightning come
We’re ready, into Your arms we run
We’re ready, let the heavens part
We’re ready for the angel songs
We’re ready for death be done
We’re ready for Your kingdom come
We’re ready, like a waiting bride
We’re ready for Your bread and wine
We’re ready to burst to life
We’re ready for You to set things right
So come on
Come on
Come on
We’re ready
We’re ready
We’re ready
It’s time to rise up. Is His Spirit burning wildly inside of us? Are we ready for mountains to move? Do we really believe He heals?
Every story in social media and the news might not be true. But the stories in the Bible - they are.
Should we prepare and use caution to protect the health of our communities, absolutely! I also believe the Lord is asking us to walk this journey from a place of peace not panic.
Supernatural peace can be yours - right now. Freedom from fear can be yours - right now.
The God that healed the sick and calmed the storms - He still does that.
Get ready Church, the world around us and the families in our homes desperately need what we have!
The time is now - to rise up and shine, not cower in fear.
Maybe someone will need us to share our toilet paper, medicine or food. They might need us to genuinely listen and pray peace over their families. Some could need miracles and God still does that too! Are we ready?
Here’s the thing, if we spend more time consuming articles and conversations that breed fear instead of feasting in the presence of the God who empowers and heals - we won’t be ready.
We can silence the spirit of fear in Jesus name. We can keep our Bible’s open, turn worship music on and soak in HIS presence.
This is not a time to be paralyzed by fear - it’s a time to advance. It’s a time for an awakening of who we are called to be and what we’ve been equipped to do!
Will you join me and embrace faith instead of fear?
Let’s get ready!
Isaiah 41:10 (Good News Translation)
Do not be afraid--I am with you! I am your God, let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.
Hi, I’m Jaime!
Prayer warrior, writer, and speaker in love with Jesus, my Jed, and our 3 Rowdy Redcays. Friend, I long to see you set free. Delivered from the chains that hold you back, compelled to navigate this journey as a fearless warrior. Where does that happen? In the embrace of Jesus!
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