God’s WORD Is Powerful.

GOD’S Word Spoken brings freedom.

My heart is to see my brothers and sisters set free from every single chain that holds you back, ignited with purpose on God’s mission for your life and fueled within HIS warm embrace.

2021 Speaking SCHEDULE



Weyers Cave, VA


November 27-28


2022 Speaking SCHEDULE


February 22


Lancaster YWAM Homeschool Conference

March 11,12

Ephrata PA

2023 Speaking SCHEDULE

Mountville Ladies Retreat

Feb. 10-12
Lancaster, PA


Hinkletown Ladies Retreat

Feb. 24,25
AkroN, PA


Dove WEstgate Ladies Retreat

March 3,4
Ephrata, PA

2024 Speaking SCHEDULE

A night of worship and Inspiration at Hinkletown Church

March 1st
Ephrata, PA


Connections for Mothers

March 12th
Lancaster, PA


Parkway Church Morning Services

May 12th
Roanoke, VA

9am and 10:30am

2025 Speaking SCHEDULE

young Adult Group JEd & Jaime REdcay Team TEaching

Feb 25


Rooted In him Ladies REtreat


March 14,15
waterford, PA Christian Retreat Center


NeffsVille Ladies REtreat

April 5th
Lancaster, PA


River of Life Sunday Morning Service

May 11th
Lititz, PA

9:30 am

2026 Speaking SCHEDULE

Marriage REtreat Jed & Jaime Redcay Team Teaching

JaNuary 9-11
East WAterford, PA

Christian Retreat Center


A platform does not preclude

His Presence


Jaime sits in the presence of Jesus to hear His heart and His words before any speaking opportunity. She desires to bring more than a good message but instead, speak a transforming word infused by the Holy Spirit that changes lives.

Both Jaime and her husband Jed minister to audiences and conferences of all sizes, offering biblical insights and inspired preaching on a range of topics. Some of their favorite topics are: Living in Freedom, Identity in Jesus, Hearing God in Our Nightly Dreams, Healing in Marriage, Embracing God’s presence and Ignited on Mission. They are currently available for select engagements in 2026-2027.

Get more information, including availability, and detailed speaking topics using the contact form.

Jaime Redcay
Jaime Redcay

I am so very excited to share with you that I now have a Youtube Channel as a landing place to share full length messages like this one.

Never in my life have I been more confident in my calling, to see men and women set free and ignited on mission! 

Please pray with me that these messages would reach those that desperately need to hear them.

people are saying.


"It is my privilege to recommend Jaime to you as a great communicator of the truths of Scripture as well as the accompanying personal character required to provide authenticity to the message. Jaime leads with a heart for people to know God and His ways and works hard to be an effective communicator - and it shows! It's great to have Jaime, her husband Jed, and their three sons as part of the congregation of Ephrata Community Church. Together they demonstrate a genuine faith in Jesus that shines through in all they do. You'll be blessed and lives will be changed through the ministry that Jaime provides!"

-Kevin Eshleman, Lead Pastor

Ephrata Community Church, PA

“Jaime is one of the most humble and compassionate speakers I have worked with. Her sincere heart and dedication to prayer and interceding for the broken is so refreshing, she is the true definition of a prayer warrior! She ministers with such grace and humility, but don’t let her small stature and soft voice fool you, she proclaims God’s Word boldly! God has anointed her, countless times, her writings and blogs have spoken directly to my heart, and many others have shared the same testimony. Jaime’s practical applications that went along with her sessions at our retreat were so helpful! I definitely recommend Jaime, you will be blessed!”

-Dee Looney, Women’s Leadership Team
Harman Memorial Baptist Church, VA

“Character, Content, and Clarity. When our community provides a platform for someone to share, we look for those three things. In short, Jaime Redcay has them all. Her character is not simply about a purity of life or heart, which is evident, but it involves gifted intuition that brings her God-given content to life. Add to that the excellence with which she pursues her communication style and you will witness that character and content delivered with profound effect. How the Holy Spirit works with those three gifts in Jaime is wonderful to see. We’ve witnessed it first-hand in our community, and we are the better for it.”

-Jim Ehrman, Teaching Pastor

Ephrata Community Church, PA


“Jaime spoke at our Women’s Retreat and did an awesome job. The personal stories of trial she shared and the victory she found through deeply studying the word and pressing into prayer were inspiring and challenging to all of us. It was evident that she put a lot of time into preparing and praying over us prior to the retreat. I would highly recommend that you consider Jaime as a speaker for any event at your church or ministry.” 

-Miriam Hurst

Speaker, blogger and retreat host with Sacred Stillness Ministries. Miriam and her husband Deryl, are lead Elders at DOVE Westgate Church in Ephrata, PA. 

“The anointing of Father God is clearly upon Jaime and her ministry. Out of a seemingly random prompting of the Holy Spirit we invited Jaime to minister to the ladies in our community at a Women’s ministry event our congregation was hosting. It was an amazing time in the presence of the Living God. The testimonies from the event have been wonderful. Gods presence was evident before, during, and even now, weeks later, the congregation is experiencing momentum from what God did through Jaime. We are grateful for this ministry and how God is using Jaime!”

- Pastor Glenn Kurtz, Lead Pastor
LIFE Christian Fellowship, VA


Now Booking 2024 - 2025

Want JAIME to speak at your organization or event?


My heart wants to say yes to every invitation I receive, but the realities of my schedule and local ministry commitments mean I’m only able to accept a limited number of engagements. My team will prayerfully consider your event, I’m so honored to be considered.