Election Day’s Coming - Which Side Will You Be On?
There will be one winner for this election. Someone will lose.
This can be a hard fact to swallow in a generation of participation trophies and everybody wins culture.
Sadly we see this struggle in both our communities and some of our politicians as the fight races towards the finish line. I have friends wilting at the thought of their party losing the election. I’ve observed comments from grown adults on both sides saying, “You're not my friend anymore if you can support ____ .” I’ve read posts written by persons I formerly served in ministry with that are publicly and maliciously slandering their friends who see things differently. There’ve been many long rants from both sides, lamenting that the end of the world will come - if the opposite party wins.
The tantrums have been disheartening for sure. I’m one of the many who have lost some sleep as I process it all. Which is partly why I scroll so little through social media feeds. Don’t get me wrong, I have strong thoughts and opinions too.
I’ve been chewing on this advice from the Bible found in Titus 3:9, “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.”
Seriously, did you know that’s in the Bible?! Gulp - it’s super convicting for this girl. I cannot tell you how many times (with flushed cheeks) I’ve been tempted to add a zinger comment to a foolish controversy, then I hear Jesus nudging, “nope, don’t you do it Jaime.” With a deep breath I delete my words and surrender my emotions to Jesus. Lord have mercy, I truly need more of you and less of me!
Hear me friend, I definitely think you should vote. In fact I URGE you to pray, research and vote. I’ll be voting for a candidate that I believe will champion the values aligned with my personal convictions. I’m not suggesting we ignore this election. I’ve spent more time educating myself than ever before and looking for productive ways to support the policies I passionately want to protect.
This has been the prayer on my lips consistently, “Speak to me Lord, I’m listening.”
In the early hours of the morning, these words popped into my mind - “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
I felt a stirring to write. So this stay at home mama shifted gears, gave my Rowdy Redcay’s quick morning snacks and multiple screens to watch with headphones. Still in my pj’s I curled up with my bible and laptop and started typing. School work was postponed until after lunch time - just keeping it real here y'all!
Friends, what are we trusting in?
What if some of our reactions are revealing a misplaced trust hiding beneath our political views?
In Psalm 20:7, King David explains that some place their trust in the physical strength they see with their eyes, in that time it was strong soldiers on horses and chariots.
But King David, he lived in a different kind of reality. 1 Chronicles 18:4 tells us, he took from his enemy a thousand chariots and seven thousand horseman. 1 Chronicles 19:18 says, he slew 7,000 men which fought in chariots. The Pulpit Commentary notes this fascinating point , “David’s troops appear to have consisted entirely of footman.”
So when King David says, “But we trust in the name of the Lord our God”, he’s referring to the name that supernaturally delivered his people over and over again, when the odds were against them. The name that equipped him to confront each and every chariot and horseman that came his way. He’s talking about a God that he personally encountered.
His words remind us to trust the One who holds the victory.
When the Presidential election is over there will be one winner and one loser.
What happens then?
What happens to the friendships that have been verbally assaulted for who they voted for?
How about the neighbors and co workers who watched us rant and condemn their political views?
If we lose our relationships and our opportunity for genuine community, if we forget to love God with everything and love our neighbor - we risk taking a devastating and eternal loss.
I mean, that’s why we’re here, right?
We must not lose our opportunity to be a light in this world, to show love and point the way towards eternity with Jesus.
How we discuss politics matters.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if we could share our political perspectives in a way that honors and respects those that disagree with us, in a way that draws people to a life changing encounter with God? How amazing it would be if we could genuinely listen to one another and consistently extend love -when we see things differently. What if we stopped hurling accusations at others? Ahh, yes please!
As I seek to follow the ways of Jesus, my heart longs for the church to rise up. Oh how I want to be part of a lifegiving movement, revival and see more salvations.
Surely we won’t let our political views build walls that keep others from encountering the God that is stronger than chariots, and horses?
The God that will equip His people for whatever we face, this God, He wants to encounter us. He wants to embrace us. He will never leave us - no matter who is President.
Spoiler alert - election day is coming and there’s only one winning side. It will be those that followed the way of the One who first loved us, choosing to trust in Him - not in a political party to save them.
Let’s make that our story!
Get out there and vote my friends! When the results are announced, may our reactions reflect His love and may we never forget who we trust in.
“Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7
Hi, I’m Jaime!
Prayer warrior, writer, and speaker in love with Jesus, my Jed, and our 3 Rowdy Redcays. Friend, I long to see you set free. Delivered from the chains that hold you back, compelled to navigate this journey as a fearless warrior. Where does that happen? In the embrace of Jesus!
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