Moving Mountains Is More Simple Than You Think

How is it that I keep finding myself at the foot of this mountain with the same doubts and questions? Why do I forget so quickly? The location and the name of the mountain changes from day to day but the steps for moving it - they don’t change. 

I was shaky and pushing away significant insecurities the moment I first tapped the button, posting the announcement that my website and ministry was live. My mind swirled with all the what if’s and last minute editing ideas. What if my mama is the only person that ever reads this thing? I dropped to my knees to pray, my heart pounding with fear as I contemplated stepping out into something new and making myself vulnerable. My anxious thoughts brewed into second guessing the call I knew deep in my heart. Then I felt the Lord reminding me of these words from Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Hebrew definition of these words is to stop striving, let go, surrender.

Stop striving, let go - surrender. Maybe I’m not the only one that needs to embrace these words today?

It was in that moment that a deep peace washed over my body and blanketed my thoughts. I became still and I chose to know. Know that He is God. Know that He has a plan. Know that the only path for moving this mountain of fear is simple, it’s to know Him and His way. 

So then easy peasy, life got easy and now I move or soar over every mountain, The End. My shortest blog devotional yet. Haha - nope. 

While I try to make this a habit, of being still and knowing, it just doesn’t come natural to this girl. It requires intense self discipline. We affectionately refer to our boys as the “Rowdy Redcays”, let me invite you into a little not so quiet secret...their mama is pretty rowdy too! While I’m not officially diagnosed with ADHD, I seem to carry some - well ok probably most of the symptoms. 

So what’s a girl (with a mind running 2,784 different directions at once) to do? Here’s two simple steps:

1. Be intentional to daily practice this self discipline of being still and knowing. 

Ways I do this:  

- When I’m overwhelmed at the foot of an intimidating or painful mountain (and let me tell you friend, I’ve stood at the bottom of a ridge of mountains), my first go to is worship. 

- I turn worship music on, silence the enemy and his lies in Jesus name, quiet myself, stop striving and I let go. Then I listen and agree with who He is and wait on His guidance. It’s in the warmth of His embrace and the power of His presence the mountain is moved. 

- Another crucial discipline I practice is opening my bible and meditating on truth. The Bible is so full of wisdom for these moments, y’all!

- I write reminders where I can see them. I’ve had some of my favorite verses and mottos hand painted on art to hang in our home so that I’m constantly seeing them. 

2. Invite friends and mentors to bring accountability - this is absolutely essential!

Very recently I texted a friend and mentor to tell her about some new opportunities I was given. Opportunities I don’t feel qualified for. Running hard with a full schedule, homeschooling my rowdy Redcay’s and navigating fresh grief from recent loss I said, “I’m just dragging my feet feeling totally inadequate and nervous.” Her very quick reply was, “We are all inadequate, that keeps us on our knees.” Yep that was exactly the reminder I needed - it’s really that simple. Time to get back on my knees and did you catch that? I was at a place of questioning what to do about the mountain - again?! 

This is why I need a plan of discipline and friends to hold me accountable. So what did I do after that conversation? I paused and made myself physically still, sitting in the knowing of who is in control- God! I turned worship music on, I took my gaze off the mountain and I listened for His voice and guidance. 

I can tell you from experience that we have an enemy that wants us to tremble at the sight of the mountains in our lives. He wants us to be overcome with fear and anxiety. He tricks us into believing the mountains in our lives or the ones our children and loved ones face - can’t be moved. He feeds us lies that we’re trapped in the valley and there’s no way out. He actually knows the breakthrough that will happen in our lives if we choose to be still and know God.

The enemy has seen the mountains move and that’s why he’s doing everything he can to keep us from being still! 

One of my favorite quotes from the Bible is from John the baptist, “He must become greater; I must become less.” - John 3:30

I pray this often, Lord less of me, more of you! These words loosen my hands to surrender, to let go and be still, then my perspective changes. These words remind me to stop overthinking and panicking but to instead sit in the knowing, the knowing that He will guide me, He will fight for me, He will conquer the mountain before me. It might not be easy (usually isn’t), it will require embracing faith, but the steps really are this simple - Be still and know.

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20

Dear friend, Are your shoulders heavy at the base of a mountain today? Please reach out, I’d love to pray with you! May you know the warmth of His embrace!

Hi, I’m Jaime!

Prayer warrior, writer, and speaker in love with Jesus, my Jed, and our 3 Rowdy Redcays. Friend, I long to see you set free. Delivered from the chains that hold you back, compelled to navigate this journey as a fearless warrior. Where does that happen? In the embrace of Jesus!

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Hugs, Jaime


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