Choose To See
Choosing to see my baby's sweet face - a favorite memory from when he was just a toddler
I sprinted down the hall to the sound of glass breaking in my family room. Standing by my desk was our toddler, with his hands covering his face, “I’m sorry, mama”, he carefully said.
It was my favorite little piece of mercury glass. I cringed with disappointment on the inside, but quickly assured my sweet baby that accidents happen. After all, it was a crazy idea to have it sitting in the same room where footballs are thrown and nerf battles waged.
The beautiful little pieces of glass were shattered, they fell behind the desk and mingled within the countless tangles of cords and wires. So there they stayed, for what turned out to be, a very long time.
I would lean over the desk occasionally when watering my little plants, just to see if the pieces magically disappeared. After a month...ahem yes, a month, I had stopped checking, but had not forgotten they were there.
When given a choice between time with my rowdy Redcay’s or cleaning up a mess, that no one could see, well that’s just a no brainer! My list of things to clean and organize can sometimes feel endless.
For some reason, I could not bring myself to pick up the pieces and process that disappointment. It was a season in my life when I was juggling too many heavy disappointments, so this one, I could choose to let go of - for now.
The ability to choose what we see, is a survival tool in life. It can be a very helpful one - when chosen well.
Initially, letting go of the sparkly pieces of glass was the right thing to do. I didn’t have to drop everything to clean it up. Though it may sound crazy, there were feelings attached to the mess, that I was not ready to process.
Let me tell you, when you are parenting little have to guard your heart and sanity with some boundaries.
But then month after month, (yes, months did go by) it began to agitate me. I knew the broken pieces were there and so the longer it went, the more it bothered me. It became a heavy item on my list of things to do, instead of the choice that had originally created freedom.
Finally, I declared an end to the waiting and picked up the pieces. I organized the tangled cords, vacuumed the dusty corner and ahh, it felt so good. This seriously only took 10 minutes. Why had I chosen not to see the mess?
There are seasons in life when in order to survive I need to: let go of things on my list to do, put my phone on silent, say no to really good opportunities, create distance in unhealthy relationships, make simple pb&j sandwiches for dinner. You just do what you got to do, to promote health in the family and welcome peace.
But here’s the key, when those very same choices become an agitation, they are no longer the right tool.
If what once aided in the climb from survive to thrive and offered freedom, is now holding me back, it’s time to see the pieces again!
Are you able to choose the sight of your baby’s face and read another book together, letting go of the crumbs under your feet? Did you choose to close the laptop and listen to your co- worker’s hurting heart? Maybe in the midst of your busy schedule you paused and listened to that nudge to reach out to a friend? If so, high five friend!
Do you have challenging relationships that you’ve had to let go of for a season and they’re still sitting unseen, like my broken glass behind the desk? Now the boundaries that offered much needed relief, have transitioned into heaviness. Oh friend, I have been there - more than once!
Have you found the strength to really see the pieces and process their meaning?
You can do it! Get down on those knees and get started one - piece - at - a - time.
The ability to choose what we see, is a survival tool in life. It can be a very helpful one - when chosen well.
2 Corinthians 4:16 - 18
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.”
Let these words of truth seep in. “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.”
We have been given this incredible gift to choose what we see. When we choose to see what is unseen - we choose Jesus, his heart and his vision. We choose His strength.
Choosing is a gift.
God’s word tells us that we are renewed day by day when we choose to focus on what is eternal. Ah, doesn’t that sound amazing? Renewed day - by - day. I long to live this is out, it’s an act of self discipline for sure. Are you feeling renewed?
The temporary things we see, they are real, they are so loud and they are incredible at distracting us from what really matters.
When we choose to see the unseen, we declare war. We say no to the enemy, who so desperately wants to distract us with things that are merely temporary. He also knows what is eternal. He knows the power that you have in your choice.
When we choose to to see the unseen we are equipped with God’s power to fight in this battle.
Choosing is an important part of our journey that empowers us to protect, heal and grow.
When you choose to let go, keep holding onto Jesus.
When you choose to silence something so you can truly hear, cling to the sound of His voice.
When you choose to see, fix your eyes on the unseen.
Friends, when you choose, I pray you do so - within His embrace.
Does this resonate with you today? Are you working hard to choose what you see? Send me a note, I’d love to hear from you and pray for you. You are not alone!
Hi, I’m Jaime!
Prayer warrior, writer, and speaker in love with Jesus, my Jed, and our 3 Rowdy Redcays. Friend, I long to see you set free. Delivered from the chains that hold you back, compelled to navigate this journey as a fearless warrior. Where does that happen? In the embrace of Jesus!
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