3 Reasons Why Your Story Matters

We each have a story to share.

Recently, I had the opportunity to preach for the first time, though my boys would argue it wasn’t my first sermon - they’ve heard quite a few, haha! In the message I shared a few raw and personal stories, describing how speaking the name of Jesus into my circumstances, transformed my life. I explained how crucial it is that we engage in the very real battle around us. Leading up to the moment I spoke, there was a crazy battle going on in my own head; fears trying to creep in and steal my confidence. Friends, we just can’t embrace the lies of the enemy as truth! They will absolutely bind us up like chains.

The enemy kept whispering that my message wasn’t worth sharing, that those listening would be bored or distracted by my feeble attempt to communicate it. But God says in Isaiah 54, “no weapon formed against me shall prosper”, so I told those lies - where to go!

God gave me boldness to speak and He ministered to hearts. Some left with new freedom in their lives. Others were equipped with renewed confidence in the name of Jesus to face and conquer the mountains before them. It was like I could hear the chains falling. Such a beautiful sound all around the room. This is what I long to do more of - see people set free to fully embrace Jesus!

What lies are you believing that are like chains holding you back? The enemy sees the power you hold and he’ll tell you anything to keep you from walking in it - please don’t listen to him. Tell him he’s wasting his breath.  

Let’s embrace the name of Jesus and the power He’s given us. Let’s take every single thought captive and choose freedom. Let’s share our stories.

Let me tell you why your story matters -


Dear friend, you have a story to share. The Bible tells us that one way we defeat the enemy is by the word of our testimony. (A testimony is sharing what God has done in your life.) This requires being vulnerable, which is not usually natural for most of us. After my message on Sunday I sat in our family room (quite exhausted, Pastor friends, how do you do this every Sunday?!), and said to my husband, “Oh my, I cannot believe I just made myself that vulnerable in front of everyone.” Whew...that’s not easy.

But, there’s POWER in it. The enemy knows the authority we’ve been given with the name of Jesus and the words within our testimony. So his tactic is to try and convince us our story doesn’t matter, that we’ll be ashamed or embarrassed, if it’s spoken out loud. The enemy tells us, “really, it’s no big deal how God changed you” and “who knows if this change will even last”.

But God’s word says - “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony.” Revelation 12:11

Let me tell you friend, your story, it matters! It is a big deal -


There’s nothing like the taste of freedom. We can each experience it. When we choose to trust Jesus, regardless of our circumstances. When we take our thoughts captive and silence the lies. When we say no to fear, when we break every single chain the enemy tries to bind us with. When we share our story and say yes to the mission God has for us!

Your freedom, your victories, they aren’t just for you. We don’t receive freedom so that we can feel good and then hang out in our own little happy world. (In fact experiencing freedom doesn’t guarantee happiness, but that’s a different sermon.) Oh my, we have friends waiting to be delivered! They need us to get free. Teaching each other to see the chains, showing how to break them and then savoring the freedom together -refusing to become slaves again.

“Freedom is what we have--Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.” Galatians 5:1

Let me tell you why your story matters. When we hear a testimony, not only can it defeat the enemy and set us free -


Last fall I had the gift of attending a women’s event called Propel and hearing Jenn Johnson, from Bethel Church share a testimony. She spoke about how God gave a very clear word through her children and their friends at school as they prayed over her. It gripped and challenged me. I shared this testimony with my boys, how these children simply shared the thoughts and pictures in their minds as they prayed and they were exactly the answer Jenn had been waiting on God for.

My boys were so moved. They know God wants to speak to them, they’ve heard him speak before. But hearing this testimony caused their hearts to grow hungry for more. It stirred inside of them a stronger faith, to believe for more. Together we worshipped and prayed and guess what? They individually saw a vision and when they shared, they were amazed that God was speaking to each of them about the same thing! It was a holy moment.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

Who can you share your story with today? Let’s not ignore the nudge to do so! Let’s not believe the lie that our story doesn’t matter. I believe there are people waiting right now for deliverance, waiting to hear your story.

Your story matters, BUT your story really isn’t about you. We share our story so that everyone can see and embrace Jesus. So that they too can defeat the enemy, experience freedom and with faith, hunger for more! When we hear what Jesus is doing in each other, it brings revelation that we’re a part of a bigger story, His story!

Let’s share and let’s watch the chains fall, as God’s story gains momentum.

This year I’ll be creating space to share more stories on my website. I’m excited for you to read testimonies from some of my friends that are embracing Jesus and those around them in such powerful ways; friends that are seeing God do miracles in their lives.

There is incredible power when you share how the name of Jesus is transforming you. Rise up mighty warrior - your story matters, share it with someone today!

Hi, I’m Jaime!

Prayer warrior, writer, and speaker in love with Jesus, my Jed, and our 3 Rowdy Redcays. Friend, I long to see you set free. Delivered from the chains that hold you back, compelled to navigate this journey as a fearless warrior. Where does that happen? In the embrace of Jesus!

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Hugs, Jaime


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